About me

About me


The Lord called me His Disciple and taught me Discipleship by the ministry of the Holy Ghost. I am therefore a 21st Century Disciple of Jesus Christ. And He commanded me to make Him Disciples in every nation. This is what I do: I teach the Gospel of Christ and by the special grace of discipleship upon me, transform the minds, hearts, views of my audience, congregants into Disciples of Jesus Christ.Disciples love Jesus Christ, their Master more than even themselves.I have fully paid the price of discipleship; loving Jesus more

than I love myself and anyone else, placing the kingdom of God first and far above every other priority of my life and taking my cross and following Him (John 14:26-27) and like the early disciples, I have left all (personal priorities and pursuits, comfort and conviniences etc) to follow Christ.I have left a 13 years’ award-winning sales and marketing career in multinational companies for Jesus, my Master, and He is my gain! A higher and far better gain.

The Lord commanded me to “Disciple Him and make Him Disciples”.

It all began at Christ Prayerful Power Mission (CPPM), a church and missionary group in Accra, Ghana, which the Lord is using us to build. The Lord call us His battle axe.

My Passion

My passion is being with the Lord through His Word, communicating with Him  through prayer,meditation and going out to preach Him to the world. I give the world of what I receive from the Lord, not according to fleshly academic knowledge but according to illumination of the Holy Spirit.I share Jesus one- on-one, to small groups, with churches, youth groups, on buses, at train stations, among friends, in my neighbourhood, to crowds and through the medium of the internet, knowing that whoever misses God in this life, misses salvation forever.

I have a heart for intercession and also for atheists. The Lord told me some are atheists as a result of a YOKE upon them.

My Target Audience

Christians and non-Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, Pagans, including all the worshippers of gods other than the Creator and atheists all over the world.

Like the (colours of the) rainbow, I am touching the world from “West to East” and across international boundaries.

My Role Models

Kings David and Solomon inspire me with the heavenly wisdom they demonstrated which was a tourist attraction. I yearn for their kind of wisdom. Job and Prophet Daniel are my role models. I am eternally grateful to the Lord for the gift of “stubborn faith” among other giftings He has freely bestowed on me.

Albert is married to a gifted woman, Odylia, and blessed with 3 extraordinary children, 2 boys and a girl.

Let everything and everyone that still has breathe today, praise the Lord!

9 thoughts on “About me

  1. God bless you and your ministry… that you will walk forward into the calling that He has for your life and be empowered to fulfill His Kingdom purposes for which you were created. Many, many blessings to you and your family!

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